It is 173 miles from Salina, Kansas to Kansas City. Kansas and 175 miles to Kansas City. Missouri.
The total area of Kansas City, Missouri is 319.03 square miles. Kansas City is the largest city in Missouri with a population of over 2 million. The Missouri side of Kansas City is larger than the Kansas side by about 200 square miles.
It is the same city. The Missouri River separates the city. One side is Missouri & one side is Kansas. It's all the same.
If you are asking about Kansas City, Missouri, then the distance is 4,542 miles.
The flight distance from Kansas City, Missouri to Sibenik, Croatia is about 5,275 miles.
Kansas City is on the western border of Missouri; it's 240 miles to the eastern border.
210 miles
1127 miles
According to Google Maps the distance to Kansas City, Missouri is 590 miles and the distance to Kansas City, Kansas is 594 miles.
The driving distance from Kansas City, Missouri to Boston, Massachusetts is 1,435 miles.
The driving distance from Kansas City, Missouri to Boston, Massachusetts is about 1,435 miles.
Not as big as Kansas City, MO. But the population is of KCK is 146866. Kansas City, MO is 475830.