44 miles
Sky Harbor International Airport (PHX) is approximately 16 miles (as the crow flies) from University of Pheonix Stadium.
the shortest way is 1202 miles
About 50 km's via the M1 Motorway
The shortest driving distance is 42.3 miles.
About twenty miles.
200 miles
No, the Baltimore airport is smoke-free and does not have a smoking area.
Driving distances: Cowboys Stadium is about 14 miles south of DFW. It's about 25 miles southwest of DAL.
If you take 95 to 295 from downtown to BWI it will take approx 20-25 minutes. Google map it
the distance between citizens bank park and the philadelpia int'll airport is 6.4 miles which is a predicted 15 minutes
The distance between the above mentioned places is 57.3 miles approximately. The distance is straight path from one place to another place. There might be slight difference between the actual distance and the above mentioned distance because of the route chosen.