Marco Island in Florida is. There are no other islands named Marco.
Marco Island, Florida, is in area code 239.
The distance from Marco Island, Florida to Cuba is approximately 330 miles.
The phone number of the Marco Island Historical Museum is: 239-642-1440.
The web address of the Marco Island Historical Museum is:
The address of the Marco Island Historical Society Inc is: Po Box 2282, Marco Island, FL 34146-2282
The address of the Marco Island Discovery Center Inc is: 970 Cape Marco Dr Apt 1706, Marco Island, FL 34145-6659
16,413 live in Marco Island, Florida as of 2010.
Marco island, Florida
130 miles.
Yes, Marco Island is the largest barrier island within Southwest Florida's Ten Thousand Islands area.
Marco Island is located in Collier Country, Florida, United States. James Harvey Doxsee Sr. had been the mayor of Marco Island, Collier Country.