It's an opioid. It will show up on a drug test.
I can tell you this the army is now testing for it also k2 and a couple other synthetics if we can test they can test.
Can WHAT drug show up positive in your question?
G-20 may appear on a drug test. It is probably best just to skip that question and move on the answering the next question on the test.
Where in germany can you take the british army test?
Yes. Details are available on the website below
Get alif poeple why dont u answer it i have test gosh what the hell is your problem and this is the real question
if test comes back in any way compromised, it is a sure bet that the person in question will be called on it and could be charged for whatever reason.
a pee test
When will the entry test for army medical college 2010 be held??
The Army can test for it, but so far I don't think civilian drug labs care about it--it's currently legal.