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Fictionalized biography

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A biopic, short for biographical film, is a movie or television show that dramatizes the life of a real person. It may take creative liberties in portraying events or characters to make the story more engaging for audiences.

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Q: A biography in which some events may be dramatized is called what?
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A biography which some events may be dramatized is called what?

Fictionalized biography

What are some events on pol pot from college to Vietnam?

SEE: Biography on Pol Pot.

What is partial biography?

Biography that dramatizes some of the events in the life of its subject.....WrongIt'sBiography that focuses on ONE stage or aspect of a person's life.Apex.John Handley Highschool :)

What is the exact meaning of dramatized experience and give some example?

dramatize means to draw some thing

Which is the best definition of a fictionalized biography?

A fictionalized biography is a work of literature that blends elements of fiction with the factual details of a person's life. It uses imagination and creative storytelling to fill in gaps or enhance historical events, personalities, and motivations.

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Yes, "The Siege of Firebase Gloria" is based on true events. The movie depicts the defense of an American firebase in Vietnam during the Tet Offensive in 1968. While some aspects may be dramatized, the overall story is rooted in real historical events.

Which of these is a type of fiction journal or biography?

Neither a journal nor a biography is fiction. A journal is typically a first-person account of daily events, and a biography is a third-person account of a life story. Some liberties and biases can be taken with both of these forms, but neither is straight fiction.

Is The Christmas Sweater by Glenn Beck ficton or nonfiction?

While The Christmas Sweater is fictional, the plot of the story is based on events from Beck's real life. However, some elements of the story are dramatized for effect, and time is manipulated for similar reasons. Some discrepancies are also documented in the prologue and epilogue.

Are dramatized events added to reality shows to make them more interesting?

Usually, before the reality show starts, it will say; Warning: some of these scenes are made for entertainment only. This means that most of the show is made up or improvised, but some of it might be staged or set up. Hope this helps!

Who has biographical information that seems to match some events in Shakespeare's work?

Various people. Julius Caesar's biography matches some of the events in Julius Caesar; Macbeth's biography matches some (admittedly not many) of the events in Macbeth. The history plays are full of events which match events in the lives of real people. A man called Peter Strachey was in a shipwreck, and there are shipwrecks in The Tempest, and Twelfth Night, and Pericles, and The Comedy of Errors. A number of Lottery winners have blown all their money just like Timon of Athens did. Plenty of people have lost lawsuits just like Shylock did. There was a woman who was Shakespeare's contemporary called Mary Frith who dressed like a man, just like Portia, Julia, Rosalind, Imogen and Viola. I'm not sure why this is important. The history plays and some of the tragedies are intended to portray the lives of real people (sort of). The other stories are just fictions which Shakespeare borrowed from earlier works of fiction. Any resemblance to real people is strictly coincidental.

What is a auto biography and a biography?

A biography is the name given to a book which details somebody's life, often from their birth until their death. If you write a biography of yourself it is called an autobigraphy.

What is it called when a series of interrelated events reaches some identifiable conclusion?

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