In fact, NASCAR is planning a move to fuel injection. This will happen in 2011 or 2012.
You just used fuel injection? Gimme a break...
Electric fuel pumps
which Italian company sells fuel nozzles injection for use in brick plant.
The word electronic is used to describe that the fuel injection is controlled by electronics, while multi-point injection is indicative of multiple injectors placed just upstream of each cylinder's intake valve. All modern fuel injection today is done electronically (the only reason people use the term electronic fuel injection is because it sounds better than single-point fuel injection.)
Yes, It is a mechanical fuel injection system with an injector pump to pump fuel to the injectors.
I don't believe that NASCAR is using ethanol. I know F1 race cars use it.
Indycars and F1 cars use alcohol-based fuels. NASCAR uses high-octane gasolines.
Assuming that you are asking about fuel injection, fuel injection is an alternative to using a carburetor to get the fuel to the cylinders. There are several different types of fuel injection. Probably the three most common are throttle body fuel injection, port fuel injection and direct fuel injection. Throttle body fuel injection uses something that looks a good deal like a carburetor but has one, two or more electrical operated solenoid valves that spray a metered amount of fuel into the incoming combustion air. Port fuel injection is similar but the fuel is injected into the intake manifold port of each cylinder. Port fuel injection can provide improvements in emissions, fuel economy and performance if done correctly. Both throttle body and port fuel injection are low pressure systems. Direct fuel injection injects the fuel directly into the combustion chamber and is a high pressure system. Direct fuel injection can provide even more improvement in emissions, fuel mileage and performance and is becoming more and more common in passenger vehicles. As a further note, most, if not all, compression combustion (like a diesel engine) engines use high pressure direct fuel injection.
what do you think? just about every vehicle made from the 80's up use fuel injection. Carburetors are old. So YES IT DOES.
On average a NASCAR get 4-6mpg, so during a 500mile race they would consume 80-125gallons of fuel.
Yes, most fuel injection engines can run on an E10 fuel..