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Nitrogen exhibits less pressure change with temperature than air does (exactly why this is is due to a number of factors, but why is less important here than the fact itself).

Racing teams often 'tweak' tire pressure by very small amounts, so having it stay where they put it is a significant advantage.

Race car tires also get hot. Like, really hot. Oxygen at high temperatures is corrosive (it's corrosive at lower temperatures too, but heating it up kicks the corrosion into high gear). So: severely punishing the tires, larger pressure changes, and having them filled with a substance that's both corrosive AND supports combustion all add up to "bad idea".

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Q: Why do they use nitrogen in racecar tires?
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Is it okay to put regular air on nitrogen tires?

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Many aircraft use nitrogen in their tires

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Most people use nitrogen to inflate jet plane tires.

What gas does car tires use?

Street cars air (which is manily Oxygen, nitrogen), race cars nitrogen.

Should you put nitrogen in your tires?

yes nitrogen would be good or you could use regular old air which is about 70% nitrogen anyway!

What gas is used in tires?

Normally tyres are inflated with compressed air, sometimes they are inflated with an inert gas called nitrogen.airoxygenSome people are advocating the use of Nitrogen (N2) in tires to reduce their exposure to Oxygen which degrades the rubber. The use of Nitrogen also eliminates moisture content that is always present in air.air Nitrogen is becoming popular for use in car tires.

Is nitrogen in tires better?

Yes, nitrogen is more stable than air in tires.

Why is nitrogen bad for tires?

It is not. That is why a lot of tire shops fill tires with only nitrogen.

What are the best race car tires?

An argument can be made that Firestone has the bets racecar tires, as Firestone tires have not been subject to controversies that have befallen Goodyear in the last ten seasons.

Does Costco inflate your tires with nitrogen for free?

Yes, Costo does inflate the tires with nitrogen for free.

Do you have nitrogen fill for tires?

no, however their is a shop that puts nitrogen oxide in low profile wheels and tires.