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You really don't know? it is just over and to the right of the "p" key.

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Q: Where is the dash key on the keyboard?
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Where is the dash key on the IBM thinkpad keyboard?

On the X60 the dash is the key to the right of the 0 (zero). Using the shift this key creates the underscore. Thank you, but that's not really what I'm looking for. I think the answer is that this specific keyboard does not have a dash. What I'm going to have to find out is; in grammer what is acceptable for a dash. I have been told a hypen is not.

How do you make the under score symbol on the computer keyboard?

You hold the Shift key, and press the button next to the zero on the number line.

What is the dash key?

The dash key (-) is a punctuation mark used to indicate a pause or break in a sentence. It can also be used to create compound words or to separate numbers in a range.

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How do you type in a dash in your computer?

Check your keyboard it's between the number zero and the plus symbol at the top right of the regular 105+ US keyboard. This is a hyphen and not a dash. If you use the hyphen key, you must use it twice to make a dash, but this still is not a dash as there is a space between the two hyphens. There are two types of dashes. The en dash and the em dash. The en dash is bigger than a hyphen, but smaller than a em dash. The em dash is what most would want to use. The way to type is as follows: en dash - hold down the "alt" key and type 0150. em dash - hold down the "alt" key and type 0151 - Note the dash used in each of the instructions. The first is an en dash, and the second is an em dash. The character beneath them is a hyphen.

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What do you do if a key is short of your keyboard?

If your keyboard is missing a key, press the key-less spot very lightly when used, or try to place the key back on, or at best get a new keyboard.



How do you make an ' on a keyboard?

To make an apostrophe on a keyboard, press the key beside the "enter" key on the right hand side of the keyboard.

Were is the back slash on the keyboard?

It is usually on the key above the Enter (or Return) key on the keyboard.

Where is the f key on a keyboard?

The f key on a keyboard is located between the d and g keys.

What is the difference between a slash and a dash?

a slash looks like this (under the question mark on your keyboard) / a dash looks like this (next to the zero button on your keyboard) -