I Can't find a site that sells a parking brake cable for the yard sport 200.I need advice!
You may be able to find replacement parts for a Ryder truck at your nearest scrap metal yard, or you could go to the website Ryder Fleet Products and you can purchase replacement parts there.
Dealership, local junk yard, Ebay, etc.
If you were looking for replacement car parts for your car door or other parts you could try a salvage yard. They have a lot of used cars there. You could also try Ebay.
An auto junk yard is a business which buys and sells scrap cars and parts. They are available in every town and city and can be useful to source replacement car parts.
You can find one at almost any auto salvage yard.
Auto Parts Store Dealer Junk Yard
take to the dealer or got to a salvage yard and buy replacement parts
The best place to find replacement parts for your Toyota Tacoma would be your local salvage yard. If not there, try one of these sites ...www.tacomaworld.com or www.autohausaz.com Toyota Parts
O'reilly is a good place and AutoZone is another good place to shop for replacement auto parts also, you could check with a good salvage yard if they have the right parts you need.
My rule of thumb is, if they want more than half the price of a rebuilt replacement part they are asking to much.
A Jeep dealership of local scrap yard may be the best place to find replacement doors for a Jeep. 4WD and eBay are good sources of these parts online.
You should start out by visiting your local auto parts store. You can buy just the replacement glass in there help section. Or if you wnt to save somemoney visit your local auto salvage yard.