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250cc per fork

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Q: Fork oil height 2008 ktm sx85 100lb rider?
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2003 ktm 525 fork oil capacity?

125mm from the top edge of the fork without the spring and with the fork collapsed. Also the weight of the rider can change the oil height along with the riding style.

What is the fork oil level height CR 125 Honda?

what is the fork level height for a 1995 CR 125 honda

What is a bicycle fork?

A bicycle fork is the portion of a bicycle that holds the front wheel and allows the rider to steer and balance the bicycle.

What actors and actresses appeared in Fork - 2008?

The cast of Fork - 2008 includes: Pete Beltaine

What are the release dates for The Range Rider - 1951 The Crooked Fork 1-7?

The Range Rider - 1951 The Crooked Fork 1-7 was released on: USA: 1951 Sweden: 13 February 1955 (Stockholm)

How much fork oil in 1998 Honda cr 125?

You will first need to fill the fork completely with fork oil. Fork should be collapsed with the fork spring removed. Bleed the air out of the inner cartridge by slowly cycling the damper rod through it's full stroke. From this point you can set the oil level to the correct height measured from the top of the outer fork tube. Factory specs are: Minimum Height: 155mm Standard Height: 139mm Maximum Height: 117mm

How much oil does a Suzuki 1999 RM 125 use per fork?

According to race tech, for a 170 lb rider, use 285cc per fork.

What weight fork oil do you use for a dirt bike?

Depends on your fork setup, rider weight and your riding ability. Fork oil is available from 5 wt (thin oil = quick action) to 30 wt (heavy = slower action)

Which of these is a name for a part of a western saddle - Spoon Fork or Knife?

A roping saddle , which is a Western type of saddle , has a 'slick fork' which facilitates the dismount of the rider ~ see related link below .

How much oil Rm 125 fork oil height?

120mm from the top

What weight of fork oil should you use for a 2003 yz 125?

depending on rider weight of approximately 170lbs use 10wt suspension fluid or fork oil if that's all you can find. rider weight less than 170 lbs use 7.5 wt. or over 190 lbs use 15wt.

Are engine and transmission oil the only oils in a 98 harley low rider other than fork oil?

No. There is still the primary.