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Front brakes have significantly more stopping power than rear brakes.

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Q: Do front or rear brakes have more stopping power?
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Why do you need front brakes?

The front brakes on any vehicle do most of the stopping. When you apply the brakes the weight shifts to the front of the vehicle. For this reason the front brakes are needed more than the rear. Try stopping a vehicle with just the hand brake which applies only the rear brakes.

Is it normal for your front disk brakes to heat up more tthan your back brakes?

yes they do most of the stopping

Why do you use front disc and rear drum brakes?

Front brakes provide about 70% of stopping force. Disc brakes have an advantage over drum brakes in that they can provide more stopping force without overheating (and thus loosing their stopping efficiency). I believe drum brake units are less costly to manufacture than disc brakes, so using them on the rear also saves manufacturing costs.

What type of brakes does a Nissan skyline have and why?

most all newer vehicles have disc brakes, they are engineered for size and weight of the vehicle, they produce more stopping power than drum brakes

What has more stopping power front or rear brakes?

There should be more braking power to the front wheels for two reasons. As the brake is applied there is a change in the balance of weight distribution on all four tires caused by the vehicle pitching down on the front. This places more weight on the front tires. If there was more braking taking place on the rear tires than on the front, there would become an oversteer condition and the back of the vehicle would skid out.

Why do some vehicles have front disc brakes and rear drum brakes?

There are several reasons, the main one relates to the weight transfer that occurs when applying the brakes, making the front wheel brakes work harder, thus needing more effective stopping power and more efficient cooling. It is basically a matter of cost. Drum brakes are cheaper to produce than disc brakes thus saving the manufacture money. Another reason is that on a vehicle without independent wheel suspension, as in a pick up truck, disc brakes are a little more difficult to design and produce. It all boils down to manufacturing costs. They will use drum brakes whenever they can.

Do air brakes increase your stopping distance?

In general they SHORTEN your stopping distance as they can apply more force to the breaks.

What are the chief advantages of power brakes over standard brakes?

power brakes are more powerful

Why disc brakes are used in two wheelers front wheel?

Braking power transmitted to the front wheel is high compare to that of rear wheel normally(60:40 or 70:30) in motor cycle.Disc brakes which has high magnitude of braking power compare to that of drum brakes are used in motor cycles to absorb the more braking power.

How many miles can you put on a Toyota Corolla before replacing brakes?

It varies go greatly there is no real answer. Depends on your driving habits and so much more. I have known a Corolla to need front brakes at 20,000 miles and another went 75,000 miles, Keep in mind that the front brakes do 70% of the stopping and the replacement interval is directly proportional to that.

Which brakes are used more when stopping a car?

Foot brakes are used to stop a car. In an emergency however both the foot and hand brakes can be used to stop a car.

How do you adjus the emergency brake on a 1998 Toyota Tacoma?

If you have rear drum brakes, you have to adjust your rear brake shoes. That will also give you a better pedal and more stopping power.