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Communism is threatening to people who are opposed to Communism because Communism does not offer a choice not to participate. Everyone under the Communist system must turn over all property and wealth to be redistributed by the leadership as they see fit.

On a larger scale, Communism cannot compete and therefore is hostile to all other economic and political models. This is why Marx and all successive Communist practicioners have sought to spark Communist revolutions all over the globe and why the Commintern's main goal to the spread of Communism.

Finally, Communism is an ideology based on the notion of acheiving a utopian world which may sound fine in theory but in practice it has shown to be a disaster. Additionally, Communism is based on class warfare and hatred which is dangerous.

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5mo ago

Communism is often viewed as threatening because it seeks to abolish private property and establish a stateless, classless society through the redistribution of wealth. Critics argue that it can lead to authoritarianism, lack of individual freedoms, and economic inefficiency. Additionally, the historical implementation of communism in countries like the Soviet Union and China resulted in human rights abuses and mass suffering, further reinforcing its threatening reputation.

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