Ed Baker - quarterback - was born on 1948-05-29.
ED Baker (American football) was born on June 24, 1931.
Frank Baker - author - was born in 1908.
Kevin Baker - author - was born in 1958.
ED Baker is a woman. She is a female author known for writing children's books, particularly in the fantasy genre.
L. Richard Baker has written: 'Merchant House of Amketch (AD&D 2nd Ed. Fantasy Roleplaying, Dark Sun, DSM2)'
Using the names in your question, a letter or card could be signed as:Ruth and Ed Baker -- if the people are close friendsMr. and Mrs. Ed Baker -- for less close friends or for business purposes
Richard Baker Wingfield-Baker was born in 1802.
Frank Baker - author - died in 1983.
Bobbi Baker was born on 1981-07-08.
Everett Baker has written: 'Everett Baker's Saskatchewan'
Shorty Baker was born in 1914.