This should be unique to the individual and should not be shared with others.
username- password - spendthemoney
how much is the registration fee of university martriculation examination pls send it to my email is sanusi my is password is akin06
In order for interested individuals to open such an account, one only needs a user name, password, and an old email address. Registration is free and easy.
You don't need to know there email password to email them.
Email is: Password: ILOVEMAX
you need to have wifi and a password, email address, and your email password does not have to be your real password for your email address:)(:
Go to the Zwinky website and contact them with an email or send a support ticket.
Just go to their website and fill out the registration. You will need to complete a username and password form to finalize your account with this email provider.
You have to type your email in and they will email your password back to you.
What's who's password for who's email? You need to be more specific
click your email and password to
jennys email is and her password is gooutside22