On average, Basic Cable: $30
Basic Cable with more features :$60 (most popular)
If you want even more options, it can go up to $100
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The average monthly cable bill in the US is around 80 dollars. This doesn't include any premium movie channels or sports channels.
The average cost for 64 cable channels a month is 39.99 and any additional 10.95 a month to add digital channels. The average cost for 60 satellite channels a month is 31.99 or 41.99 for 115 channels. You will also find that cable will charge a set up and installation fee and sometimes a monthly rental fee for your cable box, whereas satellite tv charges nothing for set up, installation and parts. All in all satellite is the way to go.
The monthly cost of a GoPhone will vary depending on the plan that a person decides to choose. The average monthly cost can vary between $20 and $30.00.
It is around $150.00
What does that have to do with the car section? You take the cable bill for two people and double it.