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Q: Why does Jody need to be in control of everyone around him?
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In Zora Neale Hurston's "Their Eyes Were Watching God," Jody strikes Janie after a public argument, as he feels emasculated and threatened by Janie's growing independence and intelligence. Jody's actions highlight his insecurity and need for control in their relationship.

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Try asking them why they are disappointed. If it is something out of your control they need to think about what exactly THEY want from you and if it is reasonable.

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You need to keep track of your finances in order to keep a budget. If everyone is spending whatever they want, your financial control goes away and you will be in debt.

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Freddy Krueger doesn't need to be strong. With the power to control dreams he is always in control and can easily manipulate the environment around him. Strength is not necessary for him.

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It might be she has a crush on the boy she first hugged and it took her some mental work (as in overcoming) to do that. When she did it she blushed and as an excuse to hide that she has a crush she hugged everyone else around too.

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The control panel will be based around a set of reversing magnetics. Depending on how you want to control the mags will depend on what type of peripheral equipment you will need to add to the control panel.

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You need to hang it up. If you're prone to epileptic seizures, you're a hazard to yourself and to everyone around you.

Does everyone need protein?

yes we need protein

Why do you need obamacare?

We don't need Obamacare. Obamacare is a bill that is over 2,000 pages long, but the main idea of it is that everyone is FORCED to buy health insurance. Of course, in those 2,000 pages, it doesn't just say that everyone must buy health insurance. It also indirectly said that the U.S. government is in control over all things health related. That's not a good thing because everything the government has control over fails.This is just one opinion. Just as you need car insurance to drive a car, you will need health insurance.

When was Need to Control created?

Need to Control was created on 1994-10-25.

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