Apparently your reputation has preceeded you or coach had an eye on you already.
No one knows on less you ask him.
a sport expert? a sportaholic? there is no real scientific name for one but people use many different nicknames that they come up with
The name is still coach or maybe assistant coach.
Coach Lombardi's first name was Vince. Coach Lombard dd not not exist.
The name of the French coach is arsene Wenger.
Coach's name has never been revealed in-game, and probably never will be.
coach name is sanjay bhardwaj
"Tryouts," by Jerry Goldsmith, from the Rudy movie score Soundtrack
coach sue slyester and coach Bieste
If there is one coach, the phrase is "the coach's name is...." If there are multiple coaches, the phrase is "the coaches' names are..."
The coach's name was Barry Davis.
Coach Clapp