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Q: What tool is an of goal seek?
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Which of these is not a valid Excel analysis tool or function what if goal seek now function if statement?

Goal Seek is not a function or an analysis tool. It is a tool that is used to establish a value to be used for a formula. What If and the IF function can be used for analysis. The NOW function is a function but it is not an analysis tool.

What what if analysis tool is similar in purpose to goal seek?

The Scenario Manager.

Which vastly more powerful what if analysis tool is similar in purpose to Goal Seek?


Which tool in Excel should you use if you know the answer but you don't know the input value?

You would use Goal Seek.

Which tool in excel 2013 should you use if you know the correct answer but you don't know the input value that you need to get there?

Goal Seek.

To determine the value of a cell on which the formula depends?

GOAL SEEKING -- You can use the Goal Seek facility.

Does excel 2010 have goal seek?

Yes. Under the data tab > what if analysis > goal seek

What tool is used to create new input values when given a desired end result in Excel?

The Solver. You can also use Goal Seek to get a single value.

Where is the Goal Seek Command located?

In excel 2010 it can be found in the data tab > data tools > what if analysis > goal seek

What is the goal NGOs seek?

The goal of most NGOs is to address humanitarian needs.

One goal that progressives did not seek was?

Ban on strikes

What is value seek in Excel?

You are probably referring to Goal Seek. This is a facility where you can put in a formula and a result and then get Excel to generate a value that the formula would use to get that result.You are probably referring to Goal Seek. This is a facility where you can put in a formula and a result and then get Excel to generate a value that the formula would use to get that result.You are probably referring to Goal Seek. This is a facility where you can put in a formula and a result and then get Excel to generate a value that the formula would use to get that result.You are probably referring to Goal Seek. This is a facility where you can put in a formula and a result and then get Excel to generate a value that the formula would use to get that result.You are probably referring to Goal Seek. This is a facility where you can put in a formula and a result and then get Excel to generate a value that the formula would use to get that result.You are probably referring to Goal Seek. This is a facility where you can put in a formula and a result and then get Excel to generate a value that the formula would use to get that result.You are probably referring to Goal Seek. This is a facility where you can put in a formula and a result and then get Excel to generate a value that the formula would use to get that result.You are probably referring to Goal Seek. This is a facility where you can put in a formula and a result and then get Excel to generate a value that the formula would use to get that result.You are probably referring to Goal Seek. This is a facility where you can put in a formula and a result and then get Excel to generate a value that the formula would use to get that result.You are probably referring to Goal Seek. This is a facility where you can put in a formula and a result and then get Excel to generate a value that the formula would use to get that result.You are probably referring to Goal Seek. This is a facility where you can put in a formula and a result and then get Excel to generate a value that the formula would use to get that result.