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Q: What is mean by internal coordination?
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What does hand eye coordination mean?

Eye- hand coordination is the same thing as hand- eye coordination. In simple terms, eye- hand coordination involves the coordinated vision and hand movements to execute a task.

What does internal response mean?

internal respnse is the results from the internal stimuli. do u get it you goat?

Define internal client?

what does internal and external client mean?

What does work setting mean?

•A professional environment in where interaction and coordination takes place.

What does an internal stimulus mean?

Internal Stimulous means to motivate from within.

What does internal meaning mean?

internal means on the inside or within something

What are the advantages and disadvantages of internal expansion?

Do you mean the "internal combustion engine"?

What do you mean by project sales?

Planning of sales through difference mean & coordination with different in-out house lobbies to increase the sales

Does painting your nails help with coordination when playing guitar?

Not particularly, unless you wish to paint them different colours and think 'green nail - 5th fret B string' for particular chords or whatever. Painting your nails is an external thing, and coordination is an internal thing that manifests itself externally. So no.