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Protect yourself from feeling a certain uncomfortable way.

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Q: What is defensive behavior?
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Warning coloration is an example of what kind of behavior?

Coloration is not a behavior, it is an adaptation. Warning coloration is an example of defensive behavior.

Is playing dead defensive behavior?

yes it is defensive because it can make someone really think that the person is dead or the animal dead!!!!!!!!

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Yes, the hognose snake is known for its defensive behavior of flattening its body and stiffening its muscles to mimic the appearance of a cobra and deter predators. This behavior is often accompanied by hissing and striking mock attacks.

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Polar bears communicate by vocalizing! Adult polar bears vocailize most when they are agitated or threatened.

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How can you account for the bear's behavior?

Polar bears are the most defensive especially of thier young,and are the most carnivorous of all bears

When a large fish comes after a puffer fish, the puffer inflates its body to increase its size. Which behavior is shown by the puffer?


Do goats spit and if so, why do they do it?

Yes, goats can spit, but it is not a common behavior. They may spit as a defensive reaction when feeling threatened or stressed.

Why do kittens spit?

Kittens may spit as a defensive behavior when they feel threatened or scared. It is a way for them to show aggression and protect themselves.

When a large fish come after a puffer fish the puffer inflates its body to increase its size which behavior is shown by the puffer?

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