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Q: What is Manuel neuer's religion?
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Manuel Antonio Noriega apparently practiced voodoo but it is not a common religion in Panama.

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What is Manuel in English?

"Manuel" in English is typically translated to "manual."

What does mi nombre emanuel saves espanol mean?

mi nombre means my name. saves sounds out of place. It looks like when you wrote emanuel you meant "es manuel" being that the question would be "mi nombre es Manuel." This means My name is Manuel. What you wrote "mi nombre emanuel saves," I take it to mean My name Emanuel saves. Being that Emanuel is another name for god in christian religion. It means, "My name is Manuel, do you know spanish?"

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Alex Manuel's birth name is Alexandre Manuel.

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Manuel Ferrara's birth name is Manuel Jeannin.

Is manuel there how do you say that in spanish?

¿Esta Manuel?

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Manuel Alexandre's birth name is Alexandre Abarca, Manuel.