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If you count the years and trophies won sir alex Ferguson is better.

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What is head to head record between Alex Ferguson vs Jose mourinho?

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I'm not sure but probably Jose mourinho or sir alex Ferguson

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alex Ferguson is the best

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Coach i dunno but manager i do but i only no in soccer it would be: Sir Alex Fergeson Jose Mourinho

Who is the best football manager?

Alex Ferguson is one of the best managers of all time, but for development to a football club it has to be Arsene Wenger, for introducing passing football to the game, or Jose Mourinho, for making Chelsea a top four side

Who was the first English football manager of the year?

As for the FA Premier league, there has not been an English Manager of the year. Five different managers have won the award: - Alex Ferguson [Scottish] - Kenny Dalglish [Scottish] - Arsene Wenger [French] - George Burley [Scottish] - Jose Mourinho [ Portuguese]

Why did Alex Ferguson become a sir?

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Sir Alex Ferguson

List of managers to win the premiership?

Alex Ferguson Kenny Daglish Arsene Wenger Jose Mourihno

Which managers have won premiership?

Sir Alex Ferguson - 10 (93, 94, 96, 97, 99, 00, 01, 03, 07, 08) Arsene Wenger - 3 (98, 02, 04) Jose Mourinho - 2 (05, 06) Kenny Dalgish - 1 (95)

What year did Alex Ferguson retire?

Alex Ferguson retired in 2013