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Urban connects to the pope and Meyer is an anagram for Meyre or Merey as in Mary. It is the pope and Mary show or Mystery Babylon.

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Q: Is Urban Meyer named after Pope Urban II?
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Pope Urban II called for the First Crusade.

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Pope Urban II called for the first Crusade.

When did Pope Urban II die?

Pope Urban II died July 29, 1099.

What church did Pope Urban II belong to?

Pope Urban II was a Catholic, as were all the popes.

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No, Pope Urban II was never married and had no children.

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There is no pope named Pope II.

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Odo of Lagery was the original name of Pope Urban II.

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Pope Urban II did not marry.

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Pope Urban II called for the First Crusade.

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The Crusades were launched by Pope Urban II, not Pope Urban III.

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Pope Urban chose the name upon his election as pope.