How much a soccer coach makes per game depends on the level and age group of which they are playing. As of June 3, 2013, this range can be between $0 and $20,000.
How much a college soccer coach makes per game depends on the individual school sports team ranking. As of June 3, 2013, this ranges between $5,000 and $15,000.
1 million
about 80000
Where I coach in Southern California, I get paid approx. $68.50 per season.
There is no set amount when it comes to how much a soccer game will make. People have to buy tickets, and they have the option to purchase concessions and fan gear. This can add up to hundreds of thousands of dollars.
you need to play soccer a few years and know how the sport of soccer is played and how it works.
4.9 million 10 year contract
Soccer players, if they are professional, can make around $160,000 per year. This can vary greatly, and can be as low as $40,000 per year for new players.
how much does a Basketball coach make a year?
1 minute
A soccer player makes much more money then a volleyball player any day, and as soccer stars are also paid huge weekly salaries . it is much more.
it depends on who u play for but if your really good you make over 380,000 a week