Dennis Callahan died in 2012.
It has been said as of May 2013 (cotracts expire 2014) Both (Dennis and Callahan) make Approx. 1 Million each
John Dennis is a well-known radio personality and one-half of the "Dennis and Callahan" morning show on WEEI. His salary, however, has not been made public.
500000000 a year
NHL player Mitch Callahan weighs 195 pounds.
NHL player Ryan Callahan weighs 190 pounds.
Half million an episode
$400,000 a yr
NBA player Dennis Schroder weighs 168 pounds.
Nikita Callahan's birth name is Nikita Carmen Callahan.
Pepe Callahan's birth name is Joseph Callahan.
he makes $1.69 per second. i think. just look it up yourself lazybutt. go get married!