Mike Krzyzewski has been the head coach at Duke since 1980, so about 28-29 years!
Mike Krzyzewski
5 seasons
Mike Kryzyzewski
Charlie Weis has coached at Notre Dame for 5 seasons.
1978-2009 .
He coached them from 2009 - 2012
15 years Lombardi coached the packers from 1959 season through the 1967 season (9 years). He then coached the redskins in 1969. Ten years total.
He coached the first 19 games in the club's history - he coached the 1960 season and the first five games of 1961 before he was fired.
Mike Long was born in 1974.
Mike Nyman goes by Long Beach Mike.
Mike Long has written: 'Teenagers' 'Teenagers: Everyone Is Not Doing It'
12 years