Get some experience in hockey, whatever type it is.
For most, this means either playing or officiating; coaching and managing are often just as involved in the sport organization side of things, if not more.
After that, get involved: join your local hockey association committees, meet people who are involved as well, attend seminars and events dealing with hockey tourney's.
At some point, tournament organization committees or the governing body for tournaments in your area may invite people to apply for the position, so in this case, just put your name forward and let them know of your experience.
Other tournaments are directed by known officials, often multiple years in succession, and to qualify for these positions you often need experience in lower tournaments, which you can get by applying for and successfully leading them.
it is a hockey tournament that goes on over a day or more
to inrole people into the tournament
Bengal Hockey Association...
British Women's Ice Hockey Friendship Tournament was created in 1990.
The first Us state the first us floor hockey tournament was held was Michigan in 1976.
Jack Effel has: Played Asst. Tournament Director in "World Series of Poker" in 2005. Played Tounament Director in "World Series of Poker 2" in 2006. Played Tournament Director (2006) in "2006 World Series of Poker" in 2006. Played Tounament Director in "World Series of Poker Tournament of Champions" in 2006. Played Tournament Director in "2007 World Series of Poker" in 2007. Played Tournament Director in "2008 World Series of Poker" in 2008. Played Himself - Tournament Director in "2009 World Series of Poker" in 2009. Played himself in "2009 World Series of Poker" in 2009.
Germany won the bronze medal in the Men's Field Hockey Tournament at the Rio 2016 Olympics.
tournament player series. it comes from their old baseball line and now its changed for hockey.
The men's hockey tournament was introduced in 1920 and was permanently added to the Olympics in 1924.
Canada i think