In an obituary written for Sparky's 2010 death, it is stated he got the nickname due to his feisty play in the minor leagues.
Sparky Anderson was born George Lee Anderson.
Sparky Anderson was born on February 22, 1934.
Sparky Anderson was born on February 22, 1934.
Sparky Anderson died on November 4, 2010 at the age of 76.
Sparky Anderson died on November 4, 2010 at the age of 76.
His nickname was Sparky.
Sparky Anderson died November 4, 2010, in Thousand Oaks, CA, USA.
Sparky Anderson was born on February 22, 1934 and died on November 4, 2010. Sparky Anderson would have been 76 years old at the time of death or 81 years old today.
Sparky Anderson
Sparky Anderson debuted on April 10, 1959 and played his final game on September 27, 1959.
Old Sparky was a nickname for the electric chair.
Jordie or sparky