Miles earned all-state honors in football at Elyria High School in Ohio as well as letters in Baseball and Wrestling. He attended the University of Michigan where he was a two year letterman under Coach Bo Schembechler from 1974 to 75. I can find no indication that he actually graduated with a college degree.
Les Miles goes by The Hat, and The Mad Hatter.
Les Miles is 61 years old. He was born on November 10, 1953.
Les Miles was born on November 10, 1953, in Elyria, Ohio, USA.
Les Miles email address is as follows: This is his email address at LSU.
The length of the equator is 3963.2 miles. The 1 degree latitudes are 3962.6 miles.
5"7 or 5"8.
One degree of latitude, and one degree of longitude along the equator only, is equivalent to roughly 69.1 miles (111 km). One degree of latitude, and of longitude on the equator only, is also equal to about 60 nautical miles.
1 degree of latitude =70 miles (112 km)
One degree of latitude, and one degree of longitude along the equator only, is equivalent to roughly 69.1 miles (111 km). One degree of latitude, and of longitude on the equator only, is also equal to about 60 nautical miles.