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Looks like people are saying 10%-- which in some pools can be a little steep.

If you won over $1000, you should at least give him what it cost him to play.

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Q: Do you need to tip a football pool administrator?
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How much do you tip a football pool administrator when you win 460?

Oh, dude, tipping the football pool administrator? That's like tipping the weatherman for predicting rain - unnecessary but hey, if you're feeling generous, go for it. If you really wanna tip, maybe toss 'em a couple bucks, or a high five if you're feeling extra generous. But seriously, tipping for winning a pool? That's like tipping yourself for being awesome.

Can you fit a snooker tip in a pool cue?

No. The typical snooker cue tips are much smaller than the typical pool cue tips. So, you can fit a pool cue tip to a snooker cue, but not a snooker cue tip on a pool cue.

How much do you tip your swimming pool service?

You should tip your pool cleaner the equivelent of one months service at Christmastime or the end of the year

When was Tip O'Neill - American football - born?

Tip O'Neill - American football - was born on 1898-10-24.

What does pool chalk do?

Pool chalk serves multiple purposes. The chalk allows the tip to become softer, so there is less chance of breaking the tip, and the most important thing chalk does is put English on your cue ball. If your not very good at pool and you go to the YMCA to play, you really don't need chalk, but to be good you need chalk to be able to put English on your ball to make easier shots.

What do you call it when you twist chalk onto the tip of a pool cue?

It is called chalking the cue. The pool chalk is an abrasive, not chalk, and provides more frictin between the cue ball and the cue tip.

What is the hardest ferrule that you can use on a pool cue tip?

Any material can be used as a ferrule on a pool cue, but not all materials can be used for the tip. G10 is a type of fiberglass and is the hardest that can be used for both the ferrule and the tip. There are also cues that have stainless steel or brass ferrules, but these cannot be used as the tip material.

How much do banquet servers make yearly?

Well it depends on the place your working at, if the majority of its business is from banquets and if they tip pool. If so it can range anywhere from 20-45 dollars an hr with the tip pool

How long is a football from tip to tip?

120 yds. 100 yds for the field and 10x2 for each TD zone.

What is the standard tip pool percentage in California restaurants?

Around 15 to 20 Percent.

What does TIP tankers stand for?

Transport International Pool. It is now a company of GE Capital.

What are the best chemicals used to clean concrete pool decks using a pressure washer?

Use a spinner tip and you won't need any chemicals. However, if it is really bad, and a spinner tip wont get it, use a product called "Green Demon" from Cougar Chemical.