I wish but no. He probably is going to go to the NFL while hes hot, but theres talk that the NFL is going to have a lock-in so that might affect his decision.
He was only there a year and did not graduate. His grades were barely good enough to stay on the field yet they have a statue of him outside of the stadium. SEC is for idiots.
cartoonnetwork said that it was the last episode... stay tuned...
Isaac Newton lived in England throughout his 84 years.
yes, but i wish Mitchel musso was staying really badly for season 3. hope there is a petition to help him stay for one last season in 2012!
Isaac Newton
An object in motion will stay in motion, at a constant velocity. This assumes that no net force acts on the object. This is known as Newton's First Law.
Sir Isac Newton was the scientist who discovered why the planets stay in orbit.
A: Issac Newton
No he will finish the season and stay with his beloved University of Texas Longhorns...
season 10 episode 16 and 17:the last one pt.1 and pt.2! (:
Newton's first law is bascically describing Inertia. An object in motion will stay in motion unless acted on by outside force. An object at rest will stay at rest unless acted on by an outside force.(: