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Q: Why was Sam Watkins important?
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When did Sam Watkins die?

Sam Watkins died in 1901.

Who said One Southerner can lick twenty Yankees?

Sam Watkins

Was sam watkins correct in saying that the Civil war was a rich man's war and a poor man's fight?

Sam Watkins was correct in saying that the Civil War was a rich man's war and a poor man's fight. There were more poor farmers fighting than rich plantation owners.

Was Sam Watkins correct in saying that the Civil War was a rich man's war and a poor man's right?


Why is Sam important to Justin bieber?

I think Sam is important to him because Sam is his pet!

Is Dwayne watkins Harvey watkins jr son?

Dwayne Watkins is Harvey Watkins Jr's nephew.

What actors and actresses appeared in Meltdown of Vengeance - 2011?

The cast of Meltdown of Vengeance - 2011 includes: Sam Macaroni Robyn Michelle Watkins Frank Romeo

What has the author Gwen Watkins written?

Gwen Watkins has written: 'Vernon Watkins'

Why is Uncle Sam important to history?

Uncle Sam... US.

What is the birth name of Larry Watkins?

Larry Watkins's birth name is Lawrence Watkins.

Who is tionnie watkins married to?

Donald Watkins

What has the author Reggie Watkins written?

Reggie Watkins has written: 'Reggie Watkins, coal mining'