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Q: Why is treatig someone as a person not the same as being nice to them?
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When someone refers to a person as being "angelic" it means they are exceptionally nice, kind, beautiful, or innocent. It means that they are a good person.

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A question like that is impossible to answer, as everyone would have different opinions. Someone that one person would think is nice, would not be thought of as being as nice by someone else.

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Kindness is being kind to someone just because and empathy is being nice to someone because you feel bad for them Answer It takes a kind person to have empathy.

Who said Someone who is nice to you but not nice to the waiter is not a nice person?

Santa Claws

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a nice person: A nice alio <------ Latin =D

What does butter someone up mean?

to compliment someone endlessly in the hope of getting something from them

What do you do when someone you like hates you?

The best thing to do is try being nice to this person. Maybe after a while this person will see you want them to like you and they might not hate you anymore.

How do you know when someone is true when they've been mean to you and now starting to be nice?

Ask yourself what that person would have to gain by being nice to you. Are they trying to pursue someone you hang out with? Remember: fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me.

What does it mean if you give someone the front seat?

That your being nice to the other person, but it also means that u lost your chance to sit in the front.

Does a boy like a girl when he is always nice to her?

Being nice is a sign of interest in someone.

Who is a nice person?

i am a nice person because i love my family, i love my friends and i am not selfish or a blackmailer. i do everything for love. if someone was bullying my friends i would kick that person on his face because i don't like when someone's dealing with my friends and family. if your talking about a person like me , is it me. who ever you are, are you a nice person or a bad person.

Does being nice hurt your career?

Being too nice can hurt your career. You can be seen as a pushover and someone that cannot be trusted to manage others. You can be assertive without being too nice.