Body composition is the amount of lean muscle or body fat a performer has Its needed because if a player had a high amount of fat they wud struggle to last a full game, a large amount of lean muscles will be good for a footballer as they need to be able to kick the ball hard and last the full game
Body composition is important in most athletic sports, including football, because a leaner composition makes you stronger pound-for-pound, which enables you to perform better athletically. Fat players might be strong and hard to push aside, but they tend to be slower and tire out quickly. Slender players tend to move really fast and change direction quickly, but aren't very strong when fending off tackles. Muscular players aren't usually as fast as slender ones, but are much stronger.
it helps you play better because you can go for longer on the pitch!
muscle composition, body composition, physical composition, or flexible composition
body composition
Body composition is the proportion of fat, muscle, and bones of an individuals body.
Body composition is the ratio of body fat to muscles.
it helps you play better because you can go for longer on the pitch!
Body composition has a lot to do with cardiorespiratory fitness.
Health is associated with body and body fitness is entirely associated with every sports. If the composition of body is not appropriate then sportsmen will not perform with perfection. In short body composition plays a very important role in sports.
A: body composition is not a fitness B: what are u talking about
When referring to body composition, you are describing the ratio of fat and non-fat tissues in the body. An example of using "body composition" in a sentence could be: "Tracking changes in body composition is important for monitoring progress during a fitness program."
body fat percentage
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