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because girls are more popular.

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Q: Why do girls have more balance than boys?
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Which Gender better balance?

girls have a better balance than boys because of their body shape. that is why there are more girl dancers than boys

Are there more girls than boys in 2012?

their are more girls than boys

Does England have more boys than girls?

no england has more boys than girls

Who has more hair girls or boyS?

Boys. Girls have more hair's than Boys!

Is there more girls than boys in japan?

Yes there are more girls than boys in Japan.

Who can balance better on the balls of their feet boys or girls?

Balance is not inherently determined by gender. It depends on factors such as strength, conditioning, posture, and practice. Both boys and girls can develop good balance, it's more about individual differences than gender.

Is there more girls than boys in Scotland?

I would say that there are more boys than girls in Scotland.

Do you tink stuttering is more porfound in boys than girls?

More boys stutter than girls.

Who spend more money girls or boys?

undoutedly, girls spend more money than boys.

Why are boys more useful than girls?

boys are not more usefull than girls they are both the same but people think boys are more usefull.

Why do girls talk more than boys?

Girls talk more than boys due to a certain protein in their brain. The protein is Foxp2 and girls have more of it than boys. This protein is associated with talking.

Who are more lazy girls or boys?

That has more to do with upbringing and personality than with gender. Some boys are lazier than some girls, but some girls are lazier than some boys.