The best treatment for muscle fatigue and weakness is rest. You should rest and drink plenty of water to stay fully hydrated for the muscles to heal quickly.
becuase its like asthma
Your taste buds can become desensitized to the same flavors if you eat them too often, causing you to get tired of the food quickly. This is known as flavor fatigue.
because of the amount of tymes that the practise
Many amateur and professional athletes, including Olympic skaters and skiers, use Rolfing to keep in top condition, to prevent injuries, and to more quickly recover from injuries.
Bee pollen is often used by athletes to improve strength, endurance, energy, and speed. It is said to help muscles recover more quickly from exercise and to increase mental stamina.
When you run very quickly, your muscles may feel tight, tense, and energized. You may also experience some fatigue due to the intense physical exertion. Overall, your muscles are likely to feel strong and engaged to support the quick movements.
Russell Portenoy, M.D.: It is important to distinguish the direct effects of chemotherapy as it circulates in the body from the long-term effect that can continue after the body has eliminated the chemotherapy through normal metabolic pathways. Most chemotherapy is eliminated from the body fairly quickly, and the fatigue that patients experience after treatment is a prolonged effect that continues long after the chemotherapy is gone. A person should not assume that feeling fatigued means that the chemotherapy is still in the body. As we said before, fatigue has many possible causes and the experience of severe fatigue should be evaluated so that these causes can be identified and treated.
I'm answering this not as a medical professional, but as a person who copes with fatigue almost every day through a combination of Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, and arthritis. The fatigue that I (and many, many other people) experience is closely akin to that experienced during a bad case of the flu or other infection: weakness, exhaustion, loss of the ability to move quickly and easily (muscle fatigue), and the inability to think clearly ("the fog") at times. With this type of fatigue, you literally may not be able to stand for long periods of time, or you will fall. Talking may be difficult. Muscles may tremble or shake. This type of fatigue is also not "cured" by rest, although rest helps. Again, this is the type of fatigue experienced, more or less, by those with diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, MS, certain cancers, lyme disease, infections, etc. In conjunction with the type of fatigue that I'm describing, a person may experience even more fatigue from the stress caused by mental anguish, fear of the future (because of physical inability or the inability to make a living), rejection by society or spouse, social isolation, depression, worry about paying for treatments or finding a doctor who will treat the illness. The person may lose the ability to exercise or pursue once-meaningful crafts or hobbies, and this may increase his/her stress or fatigue. I hope this has helped you.
Fatigue affects reaction time because it can decrease our overall alertness and impair cognitive processing. When we are fatigued, the brain's ability to quickly interpret and respond to stimuli is compromised, leading to slower reaction times. Additionally, fatigue can also slow down physical movements, further contributing to delays in reaction times.
if you have high energy, you can do a lot of jobs so you can get a lot of experience. you can also have higher experience from jobs depends on who you put in the mastermind on your top mafia.
You can't tip it. I am answering this from research and experience!