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Sports help build physical fitness and some help build endurance, like soccer. Some sports help you gain agility and quickness. Also, sports are a fantastic way to exercise. Sports help build physical fitness and some help build endurance, like soccer. Some sports help you gain agility and quickness. Also, sports are a fantastic way to exercise.

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15y ago
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11y ago

We use animals in sport for the entertainment and the thrill of competitions. some animals were made for racing such as Greyhounds who's bodys have been made for a fast speeds. We use horses for jumping and also the element of racing. Bulls are used in rodeos and bullfighting, although it all seems morally wrong, it is all legal as long as the animals are not overworked and are safely kept.

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11y ago

These animals should have the capability and skills to do what humans do .This builds up there confidence and stamina between the two living creatures

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14y ago

people find it fun because the animals are substitutes to themselves and can move faster and cause more damage.

many people believe that using animals as a substitute is wrong

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11y ago

Because some sports are not played without animals like polo horse ridding etc

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