Bethany was going 2 go home because the waves were notgnarly. Then she saw her bff "Alana" and she stayed. Alana's brothers were also w/ her.) Bethany, Alana and her bros were just laying on their boards because the ocean was very calm so they were just relaxing on their board. Bethany's head was turned(2 the right) and she was dangling her left arm into the ocean. she felt a thud! she explained," After i felt the tugging on my left arm it was all just a gray blur from their. Alana and her brothers had 2 watch that terrible day on that October 31th morning! ( imagine watching ur bff get attacked by a shark)
"On October 31, 2003, Hamilton went for a morning surf along Tunnels Beach, Kauai with friends Alana, Byron and Holt Blanchard."