"The Fridge" was the abbreviated nickname given to NFL defensive tackle, William "The Refrigerator" Perry.
fridges or fridge's if possessive i.e. (The fridge's contents were old.)
The fridge is broken.Put the ham in the fridge.The fridge is covered in magnets.
oven - fridge. make your mind up. A fridge should be under 5C oven - fridge. make your mind up. A fridge should be under 5C
The German for fridge is Kühlschrank
a larder fridge does not have a freezer/chilling/ice box.
form_title= Mini Fridge form_header= Purchase a mini fridge for your needs. Do you want the fridge to include a small freezer?*= () Yes () No Do you want an energy efficient fridge?*= () Yes () No What color do you want the fridge?*= _ [40]
with a fridge
The cast of The Fridge Interviews - 2010 includes: Ed Byrne as Fridge 4 Tony Hawks as himself Sean Hughes as The Irish Fridge Josie Lawrence as The Lady Fridge
About 0.1 kW for a kitchen fridge.
There's a orange switch in fridge wot is it for the freeze or not
The heat on the back of a fridge is generated by the compressor motor, which works to compress and pump refrigerant gas through the system. This process creates heat as a byproduct, which is dissipated through the coils on the back of the fridge.