Dirty Hoagie was a character played by Tito Shaw in the 1980's sitcom, "Hoagie Takes All".
A brick and hoagie town is a town with brick houses and hoagie sandwiches.
More accurately, a Nigerian, rarely seen on menu's anymore, was a Turkey and Roast Beef Hoagie, with traditional hoagie toppings. Also known in many areas as a Black & White hoagie.
The ingredients that make up a hoagie primarily depends on what sort of hoagie is being made. Traditionally a true Italian hoagie is made of a crusty roll, Italian meats and olive oil.
Yes. Hoagie is pronounce "ho-gee."
The Hoagie Sophia is a church that was in Constantinople and got turned into a mosque after the city fell
A hoagie is a form of submarine sandwich. The term is used primarily in Pennsylvania.
Words that rhyme with "hoagie" include smoky, stogie, bogie, and foggy.
el sánwich/bocadillo you can also just say "hoagie" as there would be no exact translation for that.
Brick City means its really cold in the place your in, and i mean FREEZING cold. Im not sure what Hoagie Town means tho.
There is not a different between a hoagie and a grinder. They are both sandwiches on a long bun. Many times, the grinders are toasted.
Hoagie Carmicheal
fogy, logy, hoagie