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Q: Who says I opened my mouth and almost said something... The rest of my life might have turned out differently if I had. Why are those words important What do you think of Amir's behavior?
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How can one tell if someone is trying to bluff?

The best way to tell if someone is trying to bluff is to compare their behavior to their ordinary habits; many people will act differently when they are bluffing or lying. It is almost impossible to accurately tell if a stranger is bluffing, since one is not familiar with their usual behavior.

Is nutrition important?

Yes. You are - almost literally - what you eat. Your body cannot be made out of something unless you put it there yourself (or your parents did).

What is a name for something that almost died?

Something that almost died but lived would be a survivor.

Will pigs eat dead bodies?

Yes, pigs are known for their scavenging behavior and will eat almost anything, including dead bodies if given the opportunity. However, it is important to note that this behavior is not natural or common in domesticated pigs, but it has been observed in the wild.

Is Cadbury college a good one?

you know, almost all colleges are good. as long as they teach you something important that you will need to know when you get a job.

How do you say Albania in Russian?

Albania in Russian is pronounced almost the same but spelled/written differently. Albaniya.

How do scientists determined if the behavior is instinct or learned?

Scientist know that the animal is instinct or not is because the animals know how to do it when they are born.

Which describes a habit?

a behavior repeated so often, it becomes almost automatic

What is the spanish word for almost perfect?

Almost perfect is "casi perfecto" for something masculine or "casi perfecta" for something feminine.

Drugs that affect thinking or behavior?

Almost every drug effects your thinking. Alcohol affects behavior. Drugs give you some flash backs.

What is the behavior of a raven?

They hang around in groups called murders and squawk at almost everything. They eat almost anything.

What does a boy think about?

all boys think differently but some (most) think almost exactly the same. it depends what situation there in.