Mt:19:18: He saith unto him, Which? Jesus said, Thou shalt do no murder, Thou shalt not commit adultery, Thou shalt not steal, Thou shalt not bear false witness,
Thou shalt know your goal in life Thou shalt set your priorities in life Thou shalt keep your rest day holy Thou shalt be humble and accept the help of others Thou shalt always be motivated and inspired in your studies Thou shalt manage your time well Thou shalt not cheat Thou shalt always be prepared Thou shalt be organized always Thou shalt always be clean
And Thou Shalt Love was created in 2007.
Thou Shalt Suffer was created in 1991.
Thou Shalt Not - musical - was created in 2001.
This was said by Jesus Christ to the thief who repented on the cross.
The duration of And Thou Shalt Love is 1740.0 seconds.
The duration of Thou Shalt Not Lie is 1200.0 seconds.
1. Thou shalt not use financial statements in isolation 2. Thou shalt not use financial statements as the only source of firm-specific information 3. Thou shalt not avoid reading footnotes, which are an integral part of financial statements 4. Thou shalt not focus on a single number 5. Thou shalt not overlook the implications of what is read 6. Thou shalt not ignore events subsequent to the financial statements 7. Thou shalt not overlook the limitations of financial statements 8. Thou shalt not use financial statements without adequate knowledge 9. Thou shalt not shun professional help 10. Thou shalt not take unnecessary risks
The ten commandments in gymnastics are: 1. Thou shalt not impose your ambitions on thy child. 2. Thou shalt be supportive no matter what. 3. Thou shalt not coach thy child. 4. Thou shalt only have positive things to say at competitions. 5. Thou shalt acknowledge thy child's fears. 6. Thou shalt not criticize thy judges. 7. Honor thy child's coach. 8. Thou shalt not jump from club to club. 9. Thou shalt have other goals besides winning. 10. Thou shalt not expect thy child to become an Olympian.
1. Thou shalt love thy neigbour. 2. Thou shalt not drive improvement 3. Thou shalt not plagerise 4. Thou will always be safe in thy workplace 5. Thou shalt achieve inner peace by 2012
Thou Shalt Not Kill... Except was created in 1981.