Lamar Smith - activist - died in 1955.
Lamar Smith - activist - was born in 1892.
Lamar S. Smith was born on November 19, 1947.
Lamar S. Smith was born on November 19, 1947.
Lamar Smith was born at Brooklyn, New York. On May 19th, 1947
Lamar S. Smith is 64 years old (birthdate: November 19, 1947).
Lamar Smith was 63 when he died. He was a civil rights activist who was an organizer of black voter registration, and was also a farmer and World War I veteran.
Lamar Smith, Jr. and Margarita Gachet "Rita" Smith
If you mean the Texas Republican the answer is no.
Lamar Smith with 968 yards.
He was never charged with the crime.