The World Series in baseball is the best team in the American League, playing the best team in the National League for the Major League Championship.
They have won the most World Series in the history of baseball and they also had the best baseball player on their team, Babe Ruth.
How else will you determine the champion of Major League Baseball? There have been many things tried, but the World Series was the best.
The best baseball player in the world
Babe Ruth
San Fransisco Giants won the 2012 World Series 4-0 games in the best out of seven.
Assuming the question relates to post-season series, the answer is no. The Division Series is a best-of-5 series, as was the League Championship Series from 1969 to 1984. The first World Series in 1903 and the World Series of 1919 through 1921 were best-of-9 series.
The Division Series is best of 5 games, the Championship Series is Best of 7 games, and the World Sries is best of 7 games.
The World Series.
destiny smith is the best
The Phillies the best baseball team ever.