This question is a matter of opinion. There are many active players and pitchers that could be considered the "best". Hitters like Albert Pujols, Alex Rodriguez and Derek Jeter could be considered the best in some opinions. You also have to take into account pitchers and PED's.
The most common glove size for high level 3rd basemen are typcially 11.75in to 12.25in, with 12inch most common. Also, 3rd basemen like h-webs and I-webs.
Boston 3rd basemen Pinky Higgins and Detroit 1st basemen Walt Dropo with 12 apiece.
new york Yankees 3rd basemen a rod Alex Rodriguez
yes... you dont have to be right handed to play 3rd
Rico Petrocelli was the Boston Red Sox pitcher in 1975.
right now Defense: Mark Texeira Offense: Pujols Overall:Teixeira better because he is the best defense and 2nd best offense pujols is like 3rd defense and best offense tex and gonzalez are better All Time: Tex probably the best 995 fielding pctg.
1960-1962: Bill Skowron 1963-1966: Joe Pepitone 1967-1968: Mickey Mantle 1969: Joe Pepitone
He is definately the most decorated, and one of the best. It is up for debate whether he is the best ever at 3rd base.
Yes he was a 3rd basemen for the Boston Red Sox and New Tork Yankees. He also manged the Red Sox.