That would be Chris Johnson of the Tennessee Titans who has 1,509 yards rushing through week 13.
Shawn Bryson?
Adrian Peterson was the leading NFL rusher in 2013
In the 2008-2009 season Sammy Morris was patriots leading rusher.
The leading rusher for the Steelers in the 1990 season was Merril Hoge with 772 yards.
As of the start of the 2008 season, the 21st leading rusher, in career yards, in the NFL is Eddie George with 10,441 yards.
Damien Anderson is currently the leading career rusher. Tyrell Sutton has a chance to break the record this year.
The leading rusher for the Redskins in 2000 was Stephen Davis with 1,318 yards. Larry Centers was the second leading rusher with 103 yards.
Emmitt Smith
Shonne Greene
Franco Harris
Chris Johnson
Napoleon Kaufman