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Boys are the ones that are talkative the girl are not more talkative then boys.

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Q: Who is talkative boys or girls?
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Do boys like girls that are talkative?

It depends on their preference. Some prefer more outgoing girls, while others perfer more shy girls. If they are outgoing themselves they will probably like girls that are also outgoing, or talkative, and vise versa. I dont

Do girls speak thery're mind more then boys do?

It sometimes seems as if girls will speak their mind more than boys do because girls tend to be more talkative and emotionally in touch than boys. Some boys might speak a little more than others, but in general girls tend to be more verbal. As they age, girls tend to speak their mind less than boys in some cases.

Are girls more talkative than boys?

There is no inherent difference in talkativeness between girls and boys. Talkativeness can vary greatly depending on the individual and their personality, social environment, and cultural influences. Gender is just one of many factors that can influence communication styles.

Why Talkative girls are more happy?

Talkative girls are more happy because they have more hormones than usual. Listen to meI am a science doctor. "Dr.LeBlue out"

In poptropica are boys popular to girls or girls are popular to boys?

it is so simple boys to girls . who is the people to ask out , boys ask girls . girls do not ask boys.

Why girls are more talkative than boys?

There isn't a universal rule that girls are more talkative than boys. Differences in communication styles between genders can be influenced by a variety of factors, such as social norms, upbringing, and individual personality traits. It's important not to generalize based on gender, as individuals vary greatly in their communication patterns.

Where do girls learn to gossip?

from themselves because they are all curious and talkative :P

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How many ways can 15 students be seated in a row such that the 2 talkative children never sit together?

first we have to place 14 boys leaving one talkative boy. so 14! for placing the 14 boys. now we have 15 places vacant to place the 2nd talkative boy .but as 1st talkative boy is already placed places adjacent to him are not to be used so 13 places left. answer is 14!*13.

Are funkeys for girls or boys?

It is for boys AND girls!!

Is pink for boys or for girls?

Boys and Girls

Do boys and girls go to the same school together in Ireland?

There are schools where both boys and girls go. There are also boys only schools and girls only schools.There are schools where both boys and girls go. There are also boys only schools and girls only schools.There are schools where both boys and girls go. There are also boys only schools and girls only schools.There are schools where both boys and girls go. There are also boys only schools and girls only schools.There are schools where both boys and girls go. There are also boys only schools and girls only schools.There are schools where both boys and girls go. There are also boys only schools and girls only schools.There are schools where both boys and girls go. There are also boys only schools and girls only schools.There are schools where both boys and girls go. There are also boys only schools and girls only schools.There are schools where both boys and girls go. There are also boys only schools and girls only schools.There are schools where both boys and girls go. There are also boys only schools and girls only schools.There are schools where both boys and girls go. There are also boys only schools and girls only schools.