Lamar Odom's birth name is Lamar Joseph Odom.
No. Lamar Odom and Khloe Kardashian Odom are still married.
currently it is Lamar Odom.
Lamar Odom was born on November 6, 1979.
Lamar Odom was born on November 6, 1979.
No, Lamar Odom and Kim Kardashian aren't married Lamar Odom is married to his beautiful wife Khloe Kardashian.
Lamar Odom became famous by being a great basketball player. Lamar Odom currently has a net worth of $56,000,000.
He has a brother, but I'm not sure about sisters or if he has more than one brother.
Lamar is American.
ben Gordon of Chicago bulls
NBA player Lamar Odom weighs 230 pounds.