Risto Jalo was born in 1962.
Gibson Jalo died on 2000-01-10.
Gibson Jalo was born on 1939-03-01.
Jalo Lesche was born on April 11, 1885.
Jalo Walamies was born on 1975-06-01.
Jalo Miklos Horthy died on March 28, 1993, in Lissabon, Portugal.
The country code and area code of Jalo, Libya is 218, (0)657.
Puerto Rico
Jalo Miklos Horthy was born on February 14, 1907, in Pla, Austria-Hungary (now Pula, Croatia).
I am trying to get hold of a Jalo Gardener with all the attachments are they still available? The last Jalo as I remember was produced by Mike Lewis in Wimborne who took it on from J.T.Lowe, I think it was Mill sreet or Mill Lane But this was 20 to 25 years ago when I sold them in my harware shop in Ringwood. Charles Hayter.ps.I worked for J T Lowe from 1946 producing the jalo for many years.
Eero Vasara's birth name is Erkki Jalo Vasara.
The cast of Iki-Kiannon ilot ja surut - 1991 includes: Jalo Heikkinen as himself