Marion Barber is faster and stronger than Adrian Peterson cause in his pro day he ran a 3.76 in the 40 yd dash. Marion Barber is the fastest guy in the NFL today.
Marion Barber
If you look at the total yardage per year, Adrian Peterson wins.
Adrian Peterson
Adrian Peterson he is number one a future hall of famer.
Adrian Peterson because AP is faster and a lot younger
Marion Barber
Adrian perterson
Adrian Peterson all the way
Adrian is a better running back. Reggie is a better reciever, especially a slot receiver. Reggie doesn't play reciever, though. So at the position they both play, running back, Adrian Peterson is a better player.
i would say they're about equal but if someone was better it would be Peterson
That is a matter of ones own opinion. Some people may think Chris Johnson is better. While others may think Adrian Peterson is better.
Peterson is better statistically, but turner is a better goal-line runner and gets more touchdowns. all in all i'd take Peterson